Secret Powers of Love Workshop and Keynote Talks
Secret Powers of Love is a program that encourages people to awaken to programming, heal themselves, move beyond fear, foster more harmonious relationships in all areas of their lives, and find new direction as responsible cells in the super organism of our human family. Evan's original work has evolved into many fresh insights, information, and tools to help live more fully in the present by monitoring our own emotional pulse and allowing intuitive heart guidance to emerge and utilize our intellect to pursue a nurturing course for ourselves.
Contact Evan to request a personal appearance.
Contact Evan to request a personal appearance.
More to comeAs an introduction, please enjoy this short video with some current thoughts on identity and how ours may be holding us back from realizing our potential for achieving what we want in the world. Many more of these "Ted style" talk videos are in the works, so subscribe to the YouTube channel for more.
More information, videos, and additional programs coming soon, and the book is in the works as well. In the mean time, check out his non-profit media project. |
"Let’s laugh together at how ridiculous and counterproductive our negative emotions have been making us feel, think, and act! Then we can be open, make new choices, and apply our brainpower, manpower, and will to change the trajectory of life on Earth. How do we do that? For me, the only encompassing enough solutions look like Conscious Evolution and The LOVE Paradigm."
Essays and Excerpts
Managing Fear |
So here we are. We’ve decided to take action; to embark on a journey that will take us far from where we now are, nor have ever known before, and yet right back to grounded in the reality of what we perceive and think. This is about people, choices, and transmissions (what we say and do). If we are willing to look at where fear (negative human emotion) is influencing us - especially our words and actions - that’s about the most valuable trait we could possess. If we can work on that, we can work on anything. Fear is closed; it hides, and then no work is possible. Love is open; open to examining, brainstorming potential solutions or actions we can take, and evolving anything toward a chosen direction. If we can fix our fear, we can fix anything.
We can’t necessarily will our bad feelings away; it’s simply not that easy, as most of us likely have failed in our attempts at the “Pollyanna panacea” of “just think positive;” or worse yet, the almost insulting “just get over it.” But when we scapegoat the fear as the culprit in our lack of harmony, inability to see things clearly and from multiple perspectives, and resistance to taking action, it affords us a new power to channel blame to one source. Then we are only dealing with one thing: managing our negative emotions. If we can evolve to a point where we can diminish fear and even dismiss it as either ridiculous or a great teacher, we take away its power and influence over us. When we scoff, and laugh it off, we are now laughing, which is what we wanted to do all along. Or we are, at minimum, smiling at the fact that we are engaging in this process of harnessing our perspective toward making it work better for us. |
The bottom line is why on Earth don’t we treat each other a little better? And treat ourselves a little better? And be willing to be more self-aware, and take responsibility for what we say and do? Surely if we learn how to work through our reactions to what we take in, we can make more intentional choices about how to respond, recognizing that there is a ripple effect from what we transmit. When we can foster relationships that feel safe to us, and we can openly explore our individual capacity to contribute, without fear of judgment, criticism, ridicule, embarrassment, or any heartbeat of negative reaction of any kind, then we’re firing on all cylinders, and working together to figure out better ways to live.
If we could improve the harmony of our relationships in order to unify in this way, could we figure out at last how to increase the level of effectiveness of a broad spectrum of the population? What if we proclaimed it our global priority to employ the simple manpower and human ingenuity of the seven plus billion of us towards nurturing life, so we no longer have to seek basic needs from entities designed for and subscribing to an economic model that clings to the profit motive? And what would it take beyond the organization of skilled-and-ready people to participate, and the inspiration of their spirit to jump in and willingly contribute to producing things that nurture life, to access and engage this amazing resource we have in all of us? If we simply applied what’s stored in the neurons of our magnificent 1400 cubic centimeter human brain toward collaborative, organized efforts to meet the needs of all living things, where could we go with that new paradigm of thinking and that more efficient utilization of resources that we could employ; human, technological, and from the natural world? And perhaps more importantly, what strategy will it take to finally feel hopeful and confident that we can win the war between maximization of profits and nurturing life that is sorely seeming to be lost by us humans as we find ourselves so perilously dangling in this 21st century predicament; in which we witness such a multitude of suffering that it constantly crushes our hearts and causes us to project that back out when we express ourselves? Are there really many limits to anything besides what our stories convince us to assume stand in our way from visualizing a paradise for us all? And what would happen if we awakened to a new plateau in our consciousness and got real about what we are doing, in every single choice we make and transmission we emit? What if we learned to be willing to apply some simple tools to become self-aware enough so we could take responsibility for what we project into the ether that we all have to breathe, see, hear, and be affected by? What would we do once we handled these things and built up our muscle for filling our minds with good, useful knowledge and a sense of confidence and faith that we will continually feel accepted and therefore remain connected to others of our species? Where could we go from there? What could we come up with when all that other stuff holding us back is out of our minds and out of our way? |
Collective Tale |
Although we are all using our individual consciousness to compose our unique story as we move through life, and since we are all on this Earth together interacting, a collective tale is being woven as we communicate, collaborate, take action that affects each other, and collectively build the world around us. This happens whether we are aware of it or not and whether we make the conscious choice to do so or not. Whatever condition the world is in right now simply represents the culture, communication, expressions, circumstances and creations of the collective human mind, also known as our “collective consciousness”.
And it is impossible for us to fully appreciate what each of us, let alone anyone else, does to influence all of the rest; because it’s practically infinite! How many decisions do we make in a day? I mean all of them. Should I roll over? Should I get up? Should I shower first or eat first? What do I eat? Who do I allow to influence me? Do I speak up or be silent? What do I say? Do I speak from the truth in my heart or from emotional reactions? How does that impact the recipient? What do they do in response? What might resonate later with them, and impact the decisions or expressions they make? Those, in turn, will land on someone else, affect what they next transmit, etc. At the end of the day, we all have a hand in everything going on between humans. However many “degrees of separation” we may agree exist, there are ripple effects from all of us radiating out into the world of the collective social mind as we expend our energy saying and doing what we do. Every time. That means that every single word we utter, every action we undertake when we use those words to affect the person to whom we are speaking, we send out a wave of energy that is unleashed into and impacts our world. That means that every human on Earth shares a responsibility for what each of us releases into that “social ether”. |